Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Just Come Back Running ! - Part 6 - Unfurled

December 2011'

Thrusday 15th.

Day 6

No prizes for guessing where we were off to for breakfast. I think Luke is an even bigger fan of La Lucciola than I am now.  It was the  first morning of his 10 day stay so that's where we were headed.

We met up with this hats for sale guy on the way to La Luc who reminded me of a much loved childhood book of mine 'Caps for Sale' , in the book the seller carried them all on his head though, where they got stolen by monkeys. I could picture that happening in Bali.

                                                 Espresso Granita good for so many reasons

There was to be a ceremony in the Temple directly next to the restaurant and they were in the process of decorating it during breakfast. Love these wonderfully intricate decorations clever, clever.

                                                       Exit from the restaurant to the carpark.

Over breakfast 'Deus' was mentioned as the kids and I had visited on our last trip before Rob arrived.
He and Luke are in the process of customizing a motorbike themselves, a thing which Deus does Oh so well . Luke already had other plans for the day, so Rob and I gave Jack a call and luckily he was available and would see us in 20 minutes out the front...too easy.

When we left we thought it would be easier if we met Jack next to the road and save him the trouble of paying the toll into the carpark.
There were a couple of scratchy touts on the bend and under the tree where we were planning on waiting.They eventually settled down once they realised we weren't buying (or scratching) it and we were hanging around for a bit.
2 touts soon turned into 6 and each one offered us a scratchy on their arrival apart from the last  who took me by the hand and greeted me by name. He was the same lovely, genuine, smiling guy I'd chatted to for ages whilst waiting for my (communication breakdown) driver on a street corner in Kuta Sq. back in October.
I had gathered he was a scratchy man back then (batik shirt and pocket full of cards)  but he hadn't once offered me one, choosing instead to just shoot the breeze. Lovely guy and I can still see his crooked beaming smile now whilst I write this and it warms my heart.
Jack soon arrived , he had an idea where we were going but gave Yoga his brother a call who had taken us last time to just make sure.

I do indeedy have my issues with my boys and motorbikes and never go out of my way to encourage their desire for 2 wheels but .....this place really is just dripping with a 60's surfing/motorcycle vibe that is very cool. Rob really liked it and came away with a couple of their T shirts. Jack got a kick out of the place too.

We had a look out in the workshop this time  around too.

Very cool office chair even.

Used surfboards.

Looking from the showroom to the workshop.

They have a really nice looking restaurant too but after La Luc's breakfast, food was a long way from our thoughts.

Jack's baby blue van.

I thought I'd show Rob the brilliant glass store I had visited last trip and ran it all by Jack as I didn't know the name or address but remembered some landmarks, it didn't take Jack long to start it called Pocus? he didn't ring a bell but within 10 minutes we were there.

                                      Of course I should have realised and changed the P for an F :0]

On the way back the guys spotted another custom made motorbike store.

                                                                           This one looked straight out of  WW11

The heat was knocking us around and we were ready to just chill again and that was definitely the focus (or pocus ;0) of this about retracing my steps from last trip. Jack dropped us at Potato Head and it was hugs all round until next trip. 

Potato Head

Daz and I had visited last trip for afternoonsies and had enjoyed the trendy vibe as well as the food and cocktails of course. It's not really our scene but it's nice and the service is great. 
Rob felt a little out of place and fidgety, in his Deus tank top and $3 Ketut Nike shorts. I don't know least his bits were covered! Which is more than I can say for the majority of other diners who mostly come directly from the pool to the restaurant in their budgie smugglers and bikini's. It made the lovely lunch hard to swallow at times with exposed crinkly wrinkly bits all about.

                                          Love these lights that  look like search lights ..again from, out of WW11

It's a great view around the coast from here. There's a storm a comin'!
On the way home I spotted Biku and Tulip 2 restaurants that are on my to do list that will have to wait for next time. I was expecting Biku to be a bigger building from interior pic's on their website perhaps it's like the Tardis.
I think we relaxed, read, swam, viewed and cocktailed for the rest of the sian. Then would you believe was time to go and eat some more fabulous food!
Rob was keen to introduce Luke to Delicious Onion his new favourite.

Just gotta love those Pineapple Marg's and their wonderful Tapas menu. We had a lovely time.

Rob came a bit of a gutser on the way home when his foot went through a bit of 'matting' that had been put over a hole in the footpath...he didn't see it in the dark. No harm done thank goodness but it shook us up a's usually me that clumsily hits the deck, very unlike my sure footed Rob.  With a bit of dusting off all was discovered to still be in tact and movable.

Last day for Rob and I tomorrow.

Malam x

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